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EDSE 150 - Basic Concepts of Secondary Education


"Designed to help students make valid decisions about preparing for and functioning in teaching careers. Professionalism, job requirements, employment opportunities, secondary school curricula, and the role of secondary education within the entire educational process are discussed." (Ball State University 2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog)

Throughout the semester in the Basic Concepts of Secondary Education I was given many different requirements and projects. There were four main categories that all of these fell under; Blogs, Observations, Development Hours, and Projects. 

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My professor (right) and I (left) commenting on my classmate's ideas about that day's in-class discussion.

Every weekend the class was tasked with reflecting and thinking critically over the past week's classes. Our professor would give us questions to answer, topics to discuss, research to explore, and anything in between those listed. It was out job to answer everything to the ability we saw fit. Which usually meant we were writing twelve to sixteen page papers every weekend, for the whole sixteen weeks of class. 

There was a class requirement given to every student in EDSE 150 that we must complete a set number of hours shadowing teachers in real classrooms.

Every week I made a journal entry about my classroom and  included a seating log, the lesson plans, how the teacher handled problems, and how the students reacted to lesson activities. 

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