Think about the specific literacies your project required to make. And the literacies it asks of audiences. Applying a critical literacy perspective, whom would NOT be able to “read” your project and how might you present it in a different mode to address this accessibility issue?
Although I made sure to include explanations to anything complex about the world of Harry Potter that muggles or non-wizards or witches (this is a common term for Harry Potter fans) would not understand normally, there are parts that only make sense when reading the book or watching the movie. Those whom do not understand, or do not wish to understand, anything Harry Potter related will not be able to "read" my Quidditch analysis. Also, people who can not find my website, navigate my website, download the PDF, or access my file in any way are also unable to "read" my work.
If I were to present this work in a different mode it would be a YouTube video with a voice over of a presentation. This presentation would include pictures and video excerpts of the material I talk paper, giving a visual effect to my words and appealing to those who learn via more visual or auditory means. YouTube is a highly popular and highly trafficked website, and there are many videos that address and kind of Harry Potter theories, themes, timelines, conspiracies, and connections. My video would be linked in the same hashtags as these videos, meaning that those who search for Quidditch, Harry Potter, or any of the other possible hashtags will be given my video.
Given what you know about digital literacies and where/to whom they are circulated, where and to whom might you publish this particular project? What specific audience would be interested in your analysis? What specific interface or environment might be appropriate for the particular mode(s) you in which you chose to communicate this project?
Given my knowledge of digital literacies I would publish my work in a format easily accessible to those who desire knowledge on Quidditch or Harry Potter. The easiest place I can think to do this Pottermore or another highly trafficked and Harry Potter dedicated website that allows for all knowledge of Harry Potter and his world to be shared with all fans.
What problems and challenges arose as you were thinking through and building this analysis? What would you change if you had more time? What skills or knowledge do you think you gained in this wacky process?
It may sound silly but the biggest thing I would change about my project would be the images I used and how I used them. If given more time I would connect my text to my images in a more concrete way rather than simply using them to present what my text is describing. After playing more of the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery game this past week I would include the knowledge of the depths of the Quidditch plays that my character has been taught.