Assignment: Think about the literacies and unique lexicon Rowling asks us to use in order to understand and participate in the world of Harry Potter. Now, make a list with images and commentary of five – ten of the invented words, places, and concepts you’ve encountered in Book 1 so far. Briefly describe how you determined exactly what these terms meant.
“Muggle” is a term used often within the book as a name for someone whom does not possess magical powers. I was first introduced to this term when my older sister used it as an insult to my younger brother and myself when she first started the books. I was not insulted by the term because I had no idea what it meant, but after learning by reading the book myself I actually laughed at being called a “muggle.”
Platform Nine and Three-Quarters or the only way to get to the train, was introduced to me through the book in chapter six titled “The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.” I discovered the significance of this place and the significance of the name by reading the book. Considering the platform is hidden from the non-magical people, the only way to know about Platform Nine and Three-Quarters is by word of mouth or by the book.
The Sorting Hat is another item, or possible concept, that the Harry Potter world utilizes to sort the students into their Hogwarts houses. My sister told me about the Sorting Hat when she first started to get into the wizarding world herself, after being put into Gryffindor she was utterly obsessed. Of course, nothing was confirmed until the Pottermore quiz placed her in her desired house.
Quidditch, or the sport of the witches and wizards. This sport, sadly, doesn’t exists to its fullest extent within the real world. Therefore, the only way to learn about it was reading the book and watching as Harry and his classmates knocked each other off broomsticks. However the movies made the sport way more realistic than simply reading the books ever could have.
The invisibility cloak is my all-time favorite item from the world of Harry Potter, and the only item that I’m extremely jealous of him for owning. Since I ending up watching the movie before I finished the book, I saw the invisibility cloak before I read about. Shout out to my sister for making me watch the movie before I could finish nerding out over the book.